The Only 8 Gadgets You Really Need for Travel in 2024

The Only 8 Gadgets You Really Need for Travel in 2024
Some links in this post are affiliate links—that means that at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you book through them, which helps keep the blog running. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

As you might have noticed, I travel non-stop and I can confirm: that there are only a few travel gadgets you actually need.

If you’re overwhelmed by the dizzying amount of travel gadgets and gizmos marketed online, you’re not alone!

I mean, yes, you can load up on automatic everything and clear out the shelves of As Seen on TV, but you likely don’t have unlimited luggage room.

If you’re packing for on a budget airline, you may want to take the only travel gadgets you really need-

Portable Charger

It seems like batteries last shorter and shorter amounts of time, which I’m convinced is on purpose to force us to update our devices (read: pay more money).

Annnnd of course, using phones for music, photos, and navigation will wear your battery down faster. The same is true of tablets and laptops, so bringing a spare charger for your electronics will keep you entertained, safe, and always able to take photos.

My favorite Baseus Portable Charger is one I have used for years!

I’ve gotten different versions and replacements of this power bank (after not necessarily losing them but leaving them behind in hotels, hostels, and rideshare…). Of the travel gadgets on this list, this is my favorite and the item I use most at home.

This charger has helped me film and photograph 24 hours of material in Yellowstone and nearly 2 days’ worth of adventures in The Grand Canyon without needing to be charged once.

long lasting portable charger

Here’s why the Baseus charger is better than others like it on Amazon

  • Charge multiple devices at once
  • With multiple input options, no adapter is needed
  • It can fully charge my iPhone roughly 5 times before needing to recharge itself
  • The Baseus doesn’t need its own charger – you can refuel the portable charger by plugging it into any outlet, using any cable that fits, meaning one less cord to carry and keep up with

Note: This version is best for charging laptops.

Portable Door Lock

Many people may not consider the safety and security of their doors in hotels, motels, or hostels.

No one wants to assume the worst of people, but the fact is that the more people have access to your room, the more security risks are possible.

If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably smart, aware, and online. You’ve read the horror stories.

Invest in a portable door lock and use it everywhere. On the ‘zon, you can get this lock for less than $20, meaning this precaution is highly affordable, and you have no excuses for not getting one!

portable door lock


A good background is worth its weight in gold in a selfie generation, and a tripod is the best way to capture as much of your environment as possible.

Plus, you don’t have to talk to anyone to get the photos, and you can get the images you actually want.

This is the best tripod I’ve used (and lost… and replaced and repurchased).

Here’s what makes this tripod the best option:

  • The Bluetooth remote is easy to link up and tiny enough to hide in photos
  • The entire tripod and the Bluetooth setup took me less than 2 minutes to assemble and connect (a literal miracle)
cell phone tripod

Mobile Hotspot

You never want to be caught in a highly connected world without service or internet access.

A mobile hotspot can be helpful in various situations: the next meal, gas station, or emergency center, checking into a flight early, mapping out routes, calling rideshare, and so much more. Mobile hotspots are essential in your travels.

I like this hotspot because it is affordable, fast and has a long battery life, unlike most other hotspots that die before I can get my shit together.

affordable mobile hot spot

Wall Plug Adapter

You probably already know this but some countries don’t use the same 3-prong outlets as we do in the US.

A simple adapter can save your life, and most models will work with multiple outlet types. If you’re only traveling inside your country, you can keep your adapter as your ‘travel plug’ and leave your wall charger setup at home undisturbed.

This inexpensive adapter has served me well since my very first trip overseas.

3 prong wall plug adapter

Wireless Headphones

Quality headphones are essential for controlling your own noise level, whether it’s the noise from the airplane itself, the chatty passenger next to you, or Junior’s first flight happening behind you.

Y’all know I’m an Apple fan, and I stay strapped with the AirPods. However, there are other options.

I love these because they have all the advantages of the AirPods, like a charging case and a ton of battery life, but they’re compatible with devices other than Apple.

Apple Airtags

Lost luggage. We’ve all been there. You can use an Apple AirTag to keep a constant GPS watch on your belongings via the Find My App. You can also throw these in your purse, carry-on, or whatever else needs tracking.

luggage apple airtag

Portable Steamer

portable clothing steamer

No matter how carefully you fold and pack your clothes, they’ll inevitably look like you rolled around them the entire flight over. Trust me when they say I’ve tried every Amazon steamer available since 2020 (or at least like 5).

The winner is the Hilife portable steamer. It heats up in under a minute, has a removable water tank, so you don’t get your clothes wet, and, unlike its competitors, it doesn’t leak all over the place. 

Pin it for later

travel gadgets


Do you have a favorite travel gadget or suggestion for something I should try?

Comment below or tag me on social media!

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Some links in this post are affiliate links—that means that at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you book through them, which helps keep the blog running. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.


  1. May 27, 2022 / 6:18 am

    Very helpful, thanks for the share.

    • Courtney Lux
      May 27, 2022 / 8:51 pm

      Thanks Adam, I’m so glad you found my list useful!

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