Tips on Packing for Budget Flights: 28 Space-Saving Secrets

Planning a trip on a budget airline and need some tips on packing for a budget airline? I got you.  As a chronic budget traveler, I can confirm that the key…


How to Plan for a Road Trip (in 7 Easy Steps!)

This post came about after I had been asked for the millionth time how to plan a for a road trip. If I had to pick a song to describe…


How To Find Hotels for Cheap

Sure, you might have been born with a sense of adventure, but you weren’t born knowing how to find cheap hotels. Finding a place to stay can easily be the…


Travel Like a Pro: How to Find the Cheapest Flights

Booking the flight is the first part of all of my adventures.Without further ado, here are my tried and true tips that will save you time, frustration and money when booking your next flight. I have personally used (and still use) these strategies for years.


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